More About Leadership

Everyone is gifted – but some people never open their package.

True leaders are barely known to their followers. Next after them are the leaders the people know and admire. After them those that they fear; after the those they despise.

I write often about the fact that Leaders tend to think for themselves while Followers mimic the thoughts and behaviors of others. It is true that some of us are more Leadership prone than others.

Leaders are not motivated by the supposed status of Leadership. That ranking is merely a side effect of the practice of doing one’s own thing. If you Googled  the word “Leader” you would not be surprised at the list of names. But Google the word quotations; very revealing.

Okay, so what’s the point? Look at the Buddha quote above and let’s rephrase it. “Everyone is a leader – sometimes we know it; sometimes we don’t”. We all have some level of expertise that has the potential for benefitting society. It isn’t Important that we know what this specialized bit of knowledge is. All that is necessary for the sharing of this information is to be ourselves in the presence of others. If we are prone to isolate, that’s okay. Our social limitations can be our guide. Being there when we are needed is much more important than how long we can endure the event or how often we allow ourselves to become vulnerable. Being there when we are needed requires only one thing: being there.

Thank you for being here.


By Lee Broom

The Gifts of Love and Knowledge.

True Knowledge

True knowledge is not a list of facts; it is a set of instructions. That is my gift to you, Grandson. Happy Birthday.

Great Grandmother Lena Belle Broom to Lee Broom on his fifth birthday as she handed over a brightly wrapped package containing a Webster’s Dictionary.

True Love

True Love is not simply the feeling that we get when someone is doing something really great for us. True Love is the Healing taking place, the very Face of God emerging in both them and us.

Mother Teresa.

Everyone is gifted – but some people never open their package.


Great Minds Think Alike? Naaaaah. Great Minds Think. (I Think).

Earl Nightingale: “We become what we think about.”

Marcus Aurelius: “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.”

Steven Covey: “Begin with the end in mind.”

Gandhi: “A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.”

Proverbs 23:7: “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.”

Napoleon Hill: “What the mind can conceive and believe he can achieve.”

Michael Ellison: “Think it, speak it and act upon it.”

Buddha: “What we think we become.’

At first glance it appears that these men are all talking about the same thing.
Guess again.

I have a friend who is encouraging those who subscribe to his marketing plan to spend fifteen minutes a day visualizing a prize that will be given in thirty days to the participant with the greatest increase in sales. I am one of those participants but I refused to play his game.

My reason is that these eight historical figures appear from the quotes selected to be in support of my friend’s contention that daily wishing makes our dreams come true. A lot of successful people believe this. many do not.

But let’s talk about these eight men. (I wish that he had included Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan.) Since all of these people are being quoted out of context, I am going to see if I can repair some of the damage.

Earl Nightingale was a pal of mine. I know exactly what he was talking about. We argued about it frequently. Earl was a materialist whose Golden Rolls Royce told the world, “This man is a successful genius.”

Marcus Aurelius was a little before my time, but I am a fan, not of his goals but of his beliefs about the sanctity of personal integrity. He wrote primarily about three areas of thought:
!. Desire and aversion.
2. Impulse to act or not to act.
3. Freedom from deception and hasty judgment.
Steven Covey understood the principles of self actualization and the importance of establishing effective habits. His writings were about being responsible for one’s habits and ultimately for the results of these habits. He obviously enjoyed the material things in life but my perception of the man is that he would have enjoyed the company of Marcus Aurelius but would have sought a quick exit if he found himself alone with my buddy Earl.

Gandhi: Here was a name that did not seem to belong in the company of MLM types. On the other hand he did understand the importance of Social Networking. If alive today he would probably have quite a presence on Facebook, employing scores of followers doing most of the posting. And I am certain that he and Earl would have been great friends given the opportunity.

Proverbs 23:7: I can easily imagine that there are those whose philosophy includes the existence of past and future lives who subscribe to the belief that Gandhi’s spirit occupied the persona of the author of this scripture.

Napoleon Hill: This man has probably sold more books than any other success guhru. Earl told me that Hill did not choose that title, Think and Grow Rich.

Michael Ellison: Another friend of mine and a former employer. He is a very wealthy fellow but his life is not wasted on visualizing material stuff. He seems to me to be truly focused on what he calls “being a good steward”.

Buddha? I already told you what that man said. As for this quote, I think that one of his students asked him after a lecture, “Master, I enjoyed your lecture. In a few words were you telling us that ‘What we think, we become.’? And Buddha replied, “Yeah sure, whatever.”

These people in my opinion belong in two groups. One group is talking about the high priority of the accumulation of material wealth. The other group is warning us of a few of the dangers of hanging out with the first group.

“Everybody” says “Great minds think alike.” Naaaaah. They’re just like everybody else. Great minds think. And they don’t let others do all the work and then reap the benefits. They actually get involved. That’s what my friend Blaine  does. He’s a good guy and really focused. For every one of my objections, he acknowledged my statement and then rephrased his own. he has a wonderful family and they spend a lot of time together. Maybe he can teach me a thing or two.

Thanks for stopping by. In a couple of hours my grandson Christopher and his wife Tara have invited this big family of mine to meet at a favorite family restaurant for dinner. I wonder what he is up to.

ON KNOWING (Re-post 2 feb 2012)


“I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.” -Gerry Spence


 Buddha (563 B.C.- 483 B.C)

 Do not believe what you have heard.

Do not believe in tradition just because it is handed down from many generations.

Do not believe in anything just because it has been spoken of many times.

Do not believe simply because the words come from some old sage.

Do not believe in conjecture.

Do not believe in authority or teachers or elders.

But after careful observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and it will benefit one and all, then accept it and live by it.